Where one sees trash.
Another sees treasure.
Explore our list of low to no revenue start-ups for sale, validated by our admin team.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Got questions? We've got answers.
How does the transaction process work?
We have partnered with Trustap.com in order to ensure a secure third party escrow service. Once you recieve an offer, visit the Start Transaction tab and we will broker the deal for you. We charge a 4% CodeThrift transaction fee to the seller. We offer 24/7 support and are always willing to help with this process.
Is there a vetting process for the listings?
Every submission is reviewed by our team of admins to ensure it meets our quality standards before being made publicly accessible.
Can I browse submissions without an account?
Yes, you can browse through the curated list of submissions without an account. However, posting submissions requires an account.
How often are new submissions added?
New submissions are added daily after being validated by our admin team.